For The Love of Joy Blog

Turning my messy story into a beautiful testimony of His unfathomable grace + mercy.

Starting Over

I am on the cusp of yet another New Year. The clock strikes midnight in precisely 6 hours and 15 minutes and I am basking in a day off from work, dreaming about a better tomorrow. It’s the last day of 2020 and, like everyone else in the world, I am saying good riddance to the year and ushering in the hope of a fresh start for my life & work in the next. I desire to set sail on a new course.

I’ve found myself disappointed and out of sorts.

Mainly because I didn’t set some needed boundaries. One disappointment is that I haven’t written a single blog post this whole year. They were very scant before that, too. Another is that I haven’t promoted my creative juices to “flow”. As an amateur writer, I’ve learned that my writing is best done within the confines of life boundaries. Those boundaries in essence create a sanctuary for my creativity to thrive. Boundaries have not been my strong suit for a while and my creativity has died a tumultuous death since the onslaught of many obligations and struggles.

Plus, this year alone has brought many challenges. My mother spent significant time in the hospital earlier this year. It was my first go at a parent being ill enough for my sister and me to worry. Later in 2020, my father suffered a heart attack, bypass surgery, and related complications.

Also, for the last several months, I have been walking through the valley of the shadow of death in my personal life – a faith walk that I cannot share at this time. I’ve got another family member waiting for their open-heart surgery scheduled next week (they wish to remain anonymous). And last but not least, just recently, I’ve had another suspected miscarriage. No way to confirm it at this point but all of the physical signs were there. We infertiles know our body, do we not?

This is just 2020’s list.

Year 2019 wasn’t as bad but did receive Reserve Champion as the “The Worst Year Ever”.

It’s been far too complicated for far too long and… I want to start over.

This time with firmer boundaries and more intentionality towards my future.

Lifestyle Over Striving

By now, I usually have my goals list in bullet-point, printed, laminated, and taped or tacked somewhere I can see it regularly. But, this year I have no such list. This failure wasn’t intentional but for some reason, it just hasn’t happened. Maybe it’s because 2020 allowed me to experience the consequences of living a self-confident life. A life that is described in James 4:13-16. We truly don’t know what tomorrow will bring and maybe intentional living for me this year should look more spontaneous? More like living a Proverbs 16:9 life instead?

Maybe instead of an ambitious list of random things I want or need to do, I should turn my focus towards sowing better lifestyle choices. Perhaps a more stable quality of life should be the foundational goal that would allow for success in the grander picture.

No point in striving after goals if the tools with which to strive don’t exist.

For me, those tools are physical, mental, & spiritual health, enjoyment of my primary work, and solid relationships. I believe the first step to all of these is to be a little less stringent, unforgiving, and tight-timed; Choosing instead to be a little more flexible, forgiving, and having ample allowance of buffers.

The Lord has taught me that I am not superwoman nor am I indestructible. I’m quite tender actually and simply can’t do it all. The older I get the more this reality comes into view. How arrogant I’ve been to live life as though everything and everyone is my responsibility!

Here are a few general lifestyle choices I will be working on for now. There are plenty of “to-do” items, goals, etc. that are running through my head but I simply refuse to get cracking on them until I get a better foundation built.

Design a Reading Nook

I am entirely too distracted when it comes to quiet time. I’ve been pretty good about working towards daily bible study time but have also learned that if the news gets turned on or I am in the company of people it just doesn’t happen. I need a quiet corner in my home to hide in. So, I will be creating a space just for reading and journaling. I need God, His Truth, His wisdom, His Word. Period.

Fiction & Autobiography for Fun

Every start to the new year is like a bull fresh out of the gate. I am a bookkeeper by day and thus this month brings all the chaos I could imagine. For the next month or two or three, I will read fiction & autobiography as a way to escape. My brain is fried by 5pm and attempting to soak up convicting nonfiction or any other written work that requires brain cells just doesn’t work for me.

My picks for winter 2021 are…

The Return by Nicholas Sparks

This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens

Good Husbandry by Kristin Kimball

Be Heart Healthy

My dad’s heart surgery as well as having several blood relatives who’ve had open heart surgery has jolted me. I’ve always desired to live a healthy lifestyle – I grow & eat lots of produce, I run, etc. But, I feel it necessary to take it to the next level. Because I generally eat a healthy diet I know one of the greatest enemies to my health is that I’m just not active enough. Full-time desk job. That’s all there is to it. Not much I can do about it at the moment… so, I’ve ordered a standing desk. If I HAVE to be at the desk I mind as well stand. Amirite? I am super excited about this one.

Here is the desk I’ve ordered from Amazon.

I’m also looking at dietary tweaks that promote a healthy heart. Hence, the Mediterranean Diet book and a stash of walnuts. No, I’m not being super stringent about a diet. But, I am looking at different food choices that are proven to promote heart health.

Lastly, I’m also monitoring my heart rate via a running watch to learn how my heart is performing at rest as well as during my runs.

3 responses to “Starting Over”

  1. James and Christy Davis Avatar

    This is James Davis, age 46 OIF Combat Vet, I just wrote you a very lengthy message a few seconds ago on an article I found looking to help my wife Christy, now 44 and unfortunately will never be able to have children. So when I found your blog: “An Empty Womb: What My Life Looks Like Without Children on For The Love of Joy Blog!” lets just say, it was exactly what I was looking for. A group of Godly women going through what she has gone through that she can talk to. Please contact her on (if her email changes with this new cable company I will let you know);
    And if your husband would be willing to talk to me, I can be reached at; I would like to know better how to support my wife Christy as she goes through this loss, and the future menopause she is about to go through early without ever even having the chance to have children or in our medical conditions, even the chance to adopt. Thank you for your response to this and to the other message, which I hope you will share with others. I want our pain to be their Blessing, so they can see what we painfully had to spend years to finally realize as we struggled with our Faith and anger at God, loneliness and despair at the loss of never having kids, and the anger at all of our medical issues.
    I found this website to be helpful in answering our questions with Biblical guidance: Why does God allow Christians to Suffer? and more like that
    Our Pain is Our Testimony of God’s Healing and Love!
    I went from being angry at God, to becoming a Prodigal Son returned, now Assistant Bible Study Leader online at Harvest,org Harvest at Home Pastor Greg Laurie and a Volunteer Team Leader at Prayer Crisis Line. Pastor Nick Hall and Pulse Ministry will be training the next 100,00 future evangelists June 24-25th, 2022 at Cottonbowl Stadium in Dallas, TX just like Billy Graham and Bill Bright did 1972 Explo Jesus Movement. I hope you will join me and share this with your churches especially your youth ministry. That’s what God can do and did to me after my CORRECTING STORM! He took a guy angry at God, walked away from God and prayer, and made me a Team Leader of a Prayer Line. Sharing my pain and faith struggles with others, my Testimony of how God Saved Me, and then Saved Me again returning a Prodigal Son back to the Cross now devoting my life to serving only JESUS!

    Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

    Let that be your Verse Brothers and Sisters, for as you will see in my other message, God has our best interest in mind, His Heavenly Wisdom exceeds our earthly understanding. Trust in God and Praise HIM for the Blessings You have in each other as Husband and Wife! Treasure your wife as she is a Precious Gift from God! Lift each other up and support each other, and talk about this pain and loss together, as both of you have feelings about this, and although men don’t disclose this much, it hurts us as well. Men be PROMISE KEEPERS and SPIRITUAL LEADERS in your homes, as only the Grace of God will get you and your wife through this.
    May God Bless you and your wife and your marriage! Sincerely, James and Christy Davis 23yrs!

  2. Sharon Chauncey Avatar
    Sharon Chauncey

    Your creative juices are definitely flowing beautifully. You writing today has encouraged and motivated me. Thank you Jil

  3. Sharky Avatar

    Thank you for sharing! You always inspire me❤️

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