For The Love of Joy Blog

Turning my messy story into a beautiful testimony of His unfathomable grace + mercy.

Guest Post It’s Positive Living!


As I’ve shared my story and journey over face to face interactions, Facebook, this blog, and Instagram, I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many women who are walking or have walked this dark road that I’m on. It’s amazing the outcry of support that we women have for each other. Early in my journey, I spent so many long hours in the dark corner of my fears and failures, too timid to show my shamed face, that I was blind to so many others who were there with me. Silly me…

In going world-wide with my testimony via Instagram, I have been joyed in getting to know the lovely Meredith of It’s Positive Living. She is an infertile myrtle just like me and she loves the Lord our God with all her soul, mind, and heart. We are like-minded and kindred spirits. I’d say the saddest thing about it – she lives in Illinois and I in Virginia! I so wish for a coffee date with my new friend. For now, we will have to be content being modern-day pen pals.

Meredith started her blog, It’s Positive Living, this year, though she’s not an amateur at infertility.  A few weeks back, she asked if I would write a guest post for her blog. Of course, I was thrilled to do so!

I invite you now to head over to her site and read my guest post, check out her website, follow her on Instagram, and be inspired by her ministry and journey as I have been. As we say here in the south {She’s Sweet As Pie} and just a genuine joy and light to the world.

Thank you Meredith for being relentless in your faith, bold in your testimony, and willing to follow the Lord as He leads.

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