For The Love of Joy Blog

Turning my messy story into a beautiful testimony of His unfathomable grace + mercy.

Tag: Hope

  • Fearing the Worst & Why I Eat Kale

    Fearing the Worst & Why I Eat Kale

    When I love, I love hard and grieve even harder. The worst of it is that I tend to grieve things that haven’t even happened. That’s just plan fear and worry. As I’ve mentioned on this blog, thanks to a dear, dear sister in Christ, this phenomenon is called stinkn’ thinkn’! #yourethebestSharky I am fearing…

  • A Different Kind of Christmas: What to do When Christmas Isn’t Merry

    I have always envisioned Christmas morning at my house. It’s a dream of mine to wake up and watch my children & husband open gifts while I sip my coffee. From there, I’d move to my farmhouse kitchen, still wrapped in my bathrobe, where I would scramble some eggs and whip up some monkey bread….

  • From Newlywed to Newly Infertile: Encouragement for the Infertile Newlywed

    From Newlywed to Newly Infertile: Encouragement for the Infertile Newlywed

    I have been thinking about all of the young women around me getting engaged. Perhaps even newly married now and I ponder the realization that they may find themselves walking the same road of infertility as me. To you newlyweds, there may be a time when you decide “it’s time”. It’s time to grow your…

  • Empty


    “As I go about my days, I can’t help but have a pure disgust for this world. It’s awful. I spend everyday watching as people hate one another. They bow to their idols. They choose themselves first… I look around my own house, marriage, and life to find so much idolatrous clutter. I am disgusted!…

  • The Diagnosis: What in the World is MTHFR?!?!

    The Diagnosis: What in the World is MTHFR?!?!

    Ok, I had to. The first time I saw this acronym I swore it was a bad word. You think so too!?!?! Why is that? The human brain is interesting. Why we see it as bad word is beyond me. I would think us Infertiles would see “MOTHER” first. Anyhow, I digress… I’ve been diagnosed…

  • Navigating an Unexpected Health Crisis

    Navigating an Unexpected Health Crisis

    This new season has been eye opening. As you are now aware, I’ve been struggling for some time and working to regain my health – mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally. I’ve never had what I would consider a life crisis before. Lots of mini issues, sure. Everyone has to scale back from time to time but…

  • Restoration of a Broken Heart

    Restoration of a Broken Heart

    Wow, what a ride. It’s been one of life’s seasons when things seems to ebb and flow about as smoothly as the ocean waves in a hurricane. One minute there was peace and calming. The next I was drowning. That’s what this road has been for several months now, causing me to go quiet. Blogging…

  • Infertility and the Loss of a Pet

    Infertility and the Loss of a Pet

    It happened. I lost my pup and four-legged companion of over a decade. It was a sudden event and there was wailing. I didn’t expect it. I had all of about 3 minutes to say goodbye, most of which was spent moving through the initial shock… I went nuts. Crazy even. No time to prepare emotionally. My…

  • Endurance Brought on by HOPE

    Endurance Brought on by HOPE

    I’ve often wondered why I try so hard. I mean, this general wondering can be applied to just about everything in life – work, marriage, child rearing. Anything. But, for me it’s mostly that relentless need to keep the pursuit of a growing family. I believe this is where Proverbs 30:15-16 comes into play. I’ve…

  • Covered By His Wings: A Shepherdess’ Hope

    Covered By His Wings: A Shepherdess’ Hope

    God uses the most amazing avenues to teach us. Being a farm girl and writer, it’s no surprise that He chooses farm analogies to reach my soul. I’m always noticing the correlation between God’s loving care for us and the principles used in animal husbandry. For example, I don’t only see a group of chicks running…