For The Love of Joy Blog

Turning my messy story into a beautiful testimony of His unfathomable grace + mercy.

NIAW 2016 is Here Again!

It’s National Infertility Awareness Week! It was this time last year that I went completely public with our infertility. We had already allowed our social network to know our deepest pain and struggle but we hadn’t come out of the “infertility closet” per say.

I remember last year like it was yesterday. I was getting stronger in my boldness and started developing a deep, deep desire to help others. My heart was changing from an inward “what the heck is happening to me” focus to “how can I help someone else walking this same path”.

Looking back, God was laying the foundation to turn this mess into a ministry. It was such a monumental week for us as not only were we turning silence into testimony but I was preparing to undergo my laparoscopic surgery to check for endometriosis. That test thankfully and yet bittersweetly came back negative.

Given my new found boldness and the fact that my surgery was scheduled the very week of NIAW, my contribution to last year’s awareness efforts was to open up and share our story. It was a few months later that this blog went live.

This year I am embarking on another adventure. That new path is IVF (with ICSI). There must be something about awareness week, huh!?!?!

Because For The Love of Joy blog was only a glimmer in my eyes and heart at that time, I see it more than fitting to revisit that life changing season from 2015.

So, for NIAW 2016, I will publish a series of posts that encompasses those tender moments. It will be a “throwback” of sorts. I plan to share my first writings on the subject as they were written for Facebook (my pre-blogging avenue for getting the word out).

I am so excited to share these lovely, God-ordained inklings with you. They mark a majestic and historical heart change. There was no looking back from that moment on.

For now, enjoy another kind of “throw back” from that same era. Back in the day when Lambie was still… well… an actual lamb. She’s so cute.

See you back here in a little while as we celebrate this precious week.

Somebody loves their daddy. ? #lamb #ThorneBrookFarms #lambkisses
Somebody loves their daddy. ? #lamb #ThorneBrookFarms #lambkisses

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