For The Love of Joy Blog

Turning my messy story into a beautiful testimony of His unfathomable grace + mercy.

Category: Naturopathic Medicine

  • 5 Changes That Have Made the BIGGEST Impact to my Health

    5 Changes That Have Made the BIGGEST Impact to my Health

    As you are well aware of now, I had a health crisis that started (unbeknownst to me) last fall. Many of my issues stemmed from a genetic disorder called MTHFR and I was unaware that I had it. It was this genetic disorder and our miscarriage last year that triggered a terrible response in my…

  • MTHFR: I’m Angry About This

    MTHFR: I’m Angry About This

    This road this has been long. As I told you in my last post, I’ve already been working on my autoimmune protocol (or ‘AIP’) for years. I just didn’t know it. All these years of grass-fed this and organic that and natural this & that hasn’t been for nothing. It’s been part of His plan…

  • The Diagnosis: What in the World is MTHFR?!?!

    The Diagnosis: What in the World is MTHFR?!?!

    Ok, I had to. The first time I saw this acronym I swore it was a bad word. You think so too!?!?! Why is that? The human brain is interesting. Why we see it as bad word is beyond me. I would think us Infertiles would see “MOTHER” first. Anyhow, I digress… I’ve been diagnosed…

  • Navigating an Unexpected Health Crisis

    Navigating an Unexpected Health Crisis

    This new season has been eye opening. As you are now aware, I’ve been struggling for some time and working to regain my health – mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally. I’ve never had what I would consider a life crisis before. Lots of mini issues, sure. Everyone has to scale back from time to time but…