For The Love of Joy Blog

Turning my messy story into a beautiful testimony of His unfathomable grace + mercy.

We All Have That One Friend


#StrikingResemblance #IAmThatOneFriend #JusSayn

When you think of the word “friend” what comes to mind? Is a friend a person who you have common interests with? Somebody from whom you seek advise? Is a friend someone who you can call up for a coffee date? Or maybe just a girls’ night in watching movies and eating popcorn (or in my case dark chocolate)? These are common thoughts that pop up when I think of a friend. Someone to have fun with, who supports us and makes us laugh.

A Friend is defined as:

a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard; a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter.

In the early days of my infertility journey, that’s what resonated the most. The friends that surrounded me made me feel at home and comforted me throughout my days. I was not as vocal about my struggles as I am now and most of the time they didn’t even know the depth of the my despair. They were allowed to see the surface and that was the limit. Friendship was a boundary I had set and I wasn’t going to burden them with the job of anything more.

But, having “friends” wasn’t enough. I had a deep seated need that wasn’t being fulfilled. It wasn’t until I was bold enough to become transparent that I learned I had more than friends. I had “advocates”.

An Advocate is:

a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; intercessor.


{Just a few of my “advocates”. Love these girls!}

When I opened my heart and shared my deepest, darkest secrets & struggles my eyes were opened and I saw that advocates were the greatest ASSET an infertile myrtle can have! These men and women weren’t just friends. They cried when I cried, held my hand, kissed my cheek, prayed relentlessly, researched the struggle, encouraged me in my journey and encouraged me to share my story. They admitted their ignorance but yet were desperate to help in any way they could. They’ve pushed me to be strong and faithful in the Lord and they wait, just as Brooks & I do, for that day when I can say “and baby makes three”.

Maybe you don’t think you have advocates in your corner. Maybe you’ve tried to deepen the relationships around you to grow friends into advocates but the struggle from their end is just too hard. If that’s your case, know that there is a huge COMMUNITY of fellow infertile myrtles out there. No matter what stage we are on in our journeys, we need to be an advocate for each other. Reach out to your loved ones and to the infertility community, you are sure to find them.

5 responses to “We All Have That One Friend”

  1. Shelby Avatar

    We are diligently/faithfully waiting alongside you for that day when you say “and baby makes three”… That is a very accurate statement 🙂

    1. Jil Davis Avatar

      Thank you Shelby! Love ya girl! <3

  2. Shelby Avatar

    We are diligently/faithfully waiting alongside you for that day you say “and baby makes three!” That’s a very accurate statement 🙂

  3. Jen Avatar

    I {heart} you!

    1. Jil Davis Avatar

      I {heart} you too!!!! ?

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